
Vincent Denault is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology of McGill University, and a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law of University of Sherbrooke, and at the Department of Communication and the Faculty of Law of University of Montreal. His past positions include Postdoctoral Scholar at the International Centre for Comparative Criminology and the Public Law Research Center of University of Montreal, and Research Consultant at the Department of Communication of University of California, Santa Barbara. He holds a Ph.D. in Communication (University of Montreal, 2020) and a Master of Laws (University of Quebec in Montreal, 2015). His research focuses primarily on issues related to nonverbal behavior, credibility assessment, and deception detection in legal systems. Vincent Denault is the co-founder of the Center for Studies in Nonverbal Communication Sciences of the Research Center of the Montreal Mental Health University Institute, and the co-founder of the Deception Research Society. In addition to his work in academia, Vincent Denault is a scientific consultant, as well as a lawyer and a coroner investigating deaths that occurred as a result of negligence or in obscure or violent circumstances.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vincedenault/
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vincent_Denault