
  • Denault, V. & Talwar, V. (2024, June). Demeanor and credibility assessment of child victims: The case of sexual interference trials. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group, Ottawa, Canada
  • Denault, V. (2024, April). Le comportement non verbal : Impact des stéréotypes sur le comportement non verbal dans les collaborations académiques et professionnelles [Non-verbal behavior: Impact of stereotypes on nonverbal behavior in academic and professional collaborations]. Presentation at the Midi-conférence Saisons des ESP – Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada
  • Denault, V. (2023, October). Justice virtuelle : apports, limites et enjeux [Virtual justice: benefits, limits and challenges]. Présentation at the Congrès 2023 de la Société de criminologie du Québec. Victoriaville, Canada.
  • Denault, V., & Leclerc, C. (2023, October). Justice virtuelle : perspectives de juristes québécois [Virtual justice: Perspectives of Quebec jurists]. Presentation at the Congrès 2023 de la Société de criminologie du Québec. Victoriaville, Canada.
  • Denault, V., Leclerc, C., & Talwar, V. (2023, May). L’usage de la communication non verbale pour évaluer la crédibilité des témoins lors de procès [The use of non-verbal communication to assess the credibility of witnesses in trials]. In J. Plante-Hébert, N. Allard-Gaudreau & L. Ménard (moderators). La linguistique légale au Québec et dans la francophonie. Presentation at the 89e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Montréal, Canada.
  • Denault, V., & Zloteanu, M. (2023, April). Misinformation about evolution and nonverbal behaviour: How body language experts undermine global scientific efforts. Presentation at the 2023 Annual Conference for the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association. London, UK.
  • Dunbar, N., Otmar, C., Denault, V., & Wertheimer. (2023, January). Does wearing a face mask affect the credibility of courtroom testimony? In J. Burgoon & J. Nunamaker (moderators). Credibility and Screening Technologies Symposium. Presentation at the 2023 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaï.
  • Denault, V. (2022, November). La détection du mensonge, une fantaisie des temps modernes? [Lie detection, a modern day fantasy?]. Presentation at the LabFluens Seminar of Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Canada.
  • Dion Larivière, C., Crough, Q., McMillan, M., Denault, V., & Eastwood, J. (2022, July). Smile for the webcam: Interviewer non-verbal behaviours’ effect on perceptions of rapport and information disclosure in virtual interviews. Presentation at the 13th Annual Conference of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group, Winchester, Royaume-Uni.
  • Delmas, H., Denault, V., & Dunbar, N. (2022, May). Automatic detection of lies by facial cues. Presentation at the 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Paris, France.
  • Denault, V. (2022, March). La science au service de la justice : Itinéraire de la production d’un ouvrage collectif [Science for justice: An itinerary for the production of a collective work]. Webinar presented by the Laboratoire de psychologie légale de l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2022, March). Pseudoscience: Beyond the theoretical issue. Webinar presented at the Spring School Talk Series: Fake News and the Education for Democracy. Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Allemagne.
  • Denault, V. (2022, February). Don’t blink! The impact of nonverbal behaviour in courtrooms. Webinar presented by McMaster University’s Forensic Psychiatry Institute, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2022, February). Credibility and deception though video calls. Webinar presented by the Centre for Advanced Psychological Sciences, Singapore.
  • Denault, V. (2021, December). Stereotypes and “body language” in courtrooms: When misconceptions distort justice. Webinar presented by the École d’éducation permanente de l’Université McGill, Montréal, Canada. 
  • Denault, V. (2021, November). The science (and pseudoscience) of nonverbal communication. Webinar presented by the École d’éducation permanente de l’Université McGill, Montréal, Canada.
  • Denault, V., Otmar, C., Hansia, M., Dunbar, N., et Cooren, F. (2021, November). Underlying deceptive strategies in group interactions. Presentation at the 107th Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Seattle, United States.
  • Denault, V., Hinestroza, V., Kontogianni, F., Luther, K. et Pankhurst, G. (2021, September). “What I wish I’d known” – Advice from expert academics and practitioners. Online panel presented at the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group Virtual Conference 2021, Stokesley, UK.
  • Curby, P., Cuthbert, L., Denault, V., Dickinson, J. J., & Jay, D. (2021, September). Remote Interviewing, training and court practices. Online panel presented at the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group Virtual Conference 2021, Stokesley, UK.
  • Denault, V. (2021, June). The science (and pseudoscience) of lie detection. Webinar presented at th VII Behavior & Law Scientific Congress, Madrid, Espagne.
  • Denault, V. (2021, March). Pour être crédible et persuader, le « gros bon sens » ne suffit pas! [To be credible and persuasive, “common sense” is not enough!]. Webinar presented by the Centre de développement professionnel de la Faculté de droit, Université de Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2021, March). Préparation des témoins : enjeux théoriques, pratiques et éthiques [Witness preparation: theoretical, practical and ethical issues]. Webinar presented by the Laboratoire de psychologie légale de l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, Canada.
  • Cameron, L., Cooper, P., Denault, V., Jeffrey, A., McKay, C., Rowden, E., & Padfield, N. (2021, January). Criminal justice: Access, architecture, and aspirations in a post Covid-19 future. Online panel presented by the Cambridge Centre for Criminal Justice, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK.
  • Denault, V. (2020, December). Enjeux de justice virtuelle: Communication non verbale et crédibilité des témoins [Virtual justice issues: Nonverbal communication and witness credibility]. Webinar presented by the Laboratoire de cyberjustice, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2020, November). Nonverbal communication technology and security: Challenges for a post-pandemic world. In B. Lane (Chair). Emerging Technologies and Nonverbal Communication: Theoretical and Methodological Advances in Nonverbal Research. Presentation at the 106th Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Indianapolis, United States.
  • Denault, V. (2020, October). Pour changer des pratiques dignes du Moyen-Âge: Perspectives sur la diffusion de la connaissance auprès des professionnels de la justice [Changing practices worthy of the Middle Ages: Perspectives on the dissemination of knowledge among justice professionals]. Webinar presented by the Centre international de criminologie comparée, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2020, October). Communication non verbale et justice: Un enjeu sous-estimé lors de procès [Nonverbal communication and justice: an underestimated issue in trials]. Webinar presented by the Centre international de criminologie comparée, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada.
  • Dunbar, N., Denault, V., & Hansia, M. (2020, January). Transcript case studies: MURI transcript analysis. In J. Burgoon, N. Dunbar, J. Nunamaker & J. Proudfoot (Chairs). Credibility and Screening Technologies Symposium. Presentation at the 2019 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii.
  • Ramirez, F., Denault, V., & Carpenter, S. (2020, May). Rape myths and credibility attacks in the age of social media. Presentation at the 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Queensland, Australia.
  • Ramirez, F., Denault, V., Carpenter, S., & Wyers, J. (2020, November). “But her age was not given on her Facebook profile”: Minors and digital evidence in sexual assault trials. Presentation at the 106th Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Indianapolis, United States.
  • Rioux-Turcotte, J., & Denault, V. (2019, February). L’expertise en linguistique devant les tribunaux québécois et fédéraux canadiens, portrait global et conséquences pour les professionnels du système judiciaire [Linguistic expertise before the Canadian federal and Quebec courts, global portrait and consequences for professionals in the judicial system]. Presentation at the Journée d’étude en linguistique légale. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2019, May). The science of real-time lie detection. In A. Navaneelan (Chair). Refugee status determination & credibility assessment. Presentation at the Building a Shared Agenda: Collaborating on Socio-legal Research to Improve Refugee Status Decision-Making Workshop, Toronto, Canada.
  • Landry, F., Plusquellec, P., Denault, V., & Ouellet-Morin, I. (2019, May). Mouvement des mains dirigé vers soi, que nous disent-ils lors d’une situation de provocation? [Movement of hands towards oneself, what do they tell us in a situation of provocation?]. In P. Plusquellec & V. Denault (Chairs). La communication non verbale: recherches, enjeux et dialogues interdisciplinaires. Presentation at the 87e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Gatineau, Canada.
  • Le Berre, S., Thoër, C., Cherba, M., & Denault, V. (2019, June). Expériences du soutien social en ligne, statut, et modalités de participation sur le forum [Online social support experiences, status, and how to participate on the forum]. Presentation at the Journée d’étude sur le soutien social en ligne. Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
  • Turbide, O., Cherba, M., & Denault, V. (2019, June). Dévoilement de soi et soutien social sur un forum de discussion en ligne. La question des conseils non sollicités [Self-disclosure and social support in an online discussion forum. The issue of unsolicited advice]. Presentation at the Journée d’étude sur le soutien social en ligne. Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
  • Ramirez, F. A., & Denault, V. (2019, July). Facebook, female victims and social media evidence in sexual assault trials. Presentation at the 10th International Conference on Social Media & Society, Toronto, Canada.
  • Turbide, O., Cherba, M., & Denault, V. (2019, July). Responding to self-disclosure in a discussion forum for people living with cancer: a conversational approach. Presentation at the 10th International Conference on Social Media & Society, Toronto, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2018, April). L’étude de la communication non verbale comme outil de développement de l’esprit critique [The study of nonverbal communication as a tool to develop critical thinking]. Presentation at the Colloque interuniversitaire en communication de l’AEMDC 2018, Montreal, Canada
  • Denault, V. (2018, June). Trial judges and the detection of deception: Good intentions and good practices are not synonyms. In V. Denault (Chair). Better practices, better justice: Arguments for interdisciplinary dialogues. Presentation at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2018, June). The 100 most cited papers on human deception, A bibliometric analysis. Presentation at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2018, June). Le rôle de la science dans le développement de meilleures pratiques professionnelles, que doit-on retenir du programme de détection de comportements suspects SPOT? [The role of science in the development of best professional practices, what should we remember from the suspicious behavior detection program SPOT?]. Presentation at the Colloque étudiant sur la recherche en sciences criminelles, Trois Rivières, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2018, June). Interventions de rhéteurs détaillant leurs techniques [Interventions by rhetoricians detailing their techniques]. Presentation at the École d’été – S’informer dans un monde de fausses informations: Produire et interpréter des contenus dans le nouvel écosystème informationnel. Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2018, November). Judges, witnesses and nonverbal communication: The influence of demeanor on the assessment of testimonies. In J. Bowman (Chair). What count as evidence? Kernels of contradictions in nonverbal theory and measures. Presentation at the 104th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA), Salt Lake City, United States.
  • Denault, V. (2017, April). Les experts en non-verbal dans les médias, plus de pseudo que de science? Le cas de la poignée de main Trump-Trudeau [The non-verbal experts in the media, more pseudo than science? The case of the Trump-Trudeau handshake]. Presentation at the Colloque interuniversitaire en communication de l’AEMDC 2017, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2017, March). L’attaque ad hominem comme stratégie de réponse aux critiques. Une autoethnographie de la dénonciation d’une pseudoscience [Ad hominem attack as a strategy to answer criticisms. An autoethnography of the denunciation of a pseudoscience]. Presentation at the Colloque Divers’COM 2017, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2017, November). Le triomphe de la vérité lors de procès, véritable espoir ou croyance naïve? [The triumph of truth during trial, genuine promise or naïve belief?]. Presentation at the Colloque du CRDS 2017, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V., & Cooren, F. (2017, October). The becoming of a small claims court judgement: A ventriloquial perspective. Presentation at the 2017 International Association for Dialogue Analysis Conference, Bologna, Italy.
  • Turbide, O, Thoër, C., Cherba, M., Denault, V., & Benzaza, R. (2017, October). Formes d’expression de soutien social sur le forum de discussion de la Société canadienne du cancer: Une analyse thématique et conversationnelle [Forms of social support expression on the Canadian Cancer Society discussion forum: A thematic and conversational analysis]. Presentation at the Journées d’études – Organisation, santé et numérique. Université du Québec à Montréal/Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Montréal/Paris, Canada/France.
  • Denault, V., & Rioux-Turcotte, J. (2017, May). Implication des chercheurs en linguistique légale dans le milieu judiciaire francophone, une course contre la montre [Implication of forensic linguistic researchers in the francophone judiciary, a race against the clock]. In M. Laforest & A. Houle (Chairs). L’étude du langage en contexte judiciaire, au service de l’enquête et du droit. Presentation at the 85e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V., & Rochat, N. (2017, May). Témoignage véridique, ou témoignage mensonger? Lorsque l’évaluation de la crédibilité perd en crédibilité [Truthful testimony, or deceitful testimony? When credibility assessment loses in credibility]. Presentation at the 85e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2016, November). Nonverbal communication in the courtroom: What inductive case law analysis tells us. In A. Duggan (Chair). Nonverbal methods and measures in applied contexts. Presentation at the 102nd Annual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA), Philadelphia, United States.
  • Delmas, H., Elissalde, B., Denault, V., Rochat, N., Demarchi, S., Tijus, C., & Urdapilleta, I. (2016, June). Synergology’s “false no” response theory: Testing and implications of a pseudo-scientific belief about deception. Presentation at the 9th Annual Conference of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group, London, United Kingdom.
  • Denault, V. (2016, May). Le non-verbal des témoins lors de procès: Quand la forme l’emporte sur le fond [The nonverbal of witnesses during trials: When the form prevails on the substance]. Presentation at the 84e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2016, March). Utilisation de la Interpersonal Deception Theory en recherche expérimentale de 1996 à 2016, que doit-on retenir? [The use of Interpersonal Deception Theory in experimental research from 1996 to 2016, what should we remember?]. Presentation at the Colloque interuniversitaire en communication de l’AEMDC 2016, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2016, March). Commission Charbonneau: Quand plaidoirie rime avec ventriloquie [Charbonneau Commission: when argumentation rhymes with ventriloquism]. Presentation at the Colloque Divers’COM 2016, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2016, June). Impacts of pseudo-sciences in the judicial system. In S. Demarchi (Chair). The impact of erroneous beliefs and non-scientific practices in the judicial process. Presentation at the 9th Annual Conference of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group, London, United Kingdom.
  • Denault, V., & Cooren, F. (2016, May). Lawyers as ventriloquists: A contemporary approach to understanding credibility in the courtroom. Presentation at the 4th International Conference of the Center for Research in Language and Law, Caserta, Italy.
  • Denault, V., Cooren, F., & Plusquellec, P. (2016, June). When facial expressions and gestures speak louder than words: An interdisciplinary multimodal interaction analysis of power and authority. Presentation at the 66th Annual Preconference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Denault, V., & Delmas, H. (2016, June). The use of Information Manipulation Theory in deception research: Lessons from the past, ideas for the future. Presentation at the 9th Annual Conference of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group, London, United Kingdom.
  • Denault, V,. & Delmas, H. (2016, June). Credibility in the courtroom: What investigating interviewing professionals need to know. Presentation at the 9th Annual Conference of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group, London, United Kingdom.
  • Denault, V., Delmas, H., & Rochat, N. (2016, July). Credibility assessment of witnesses: Dubious criteria and pseudoscience. Presentation at the 26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, Toulouse, France.
  • Denault, V., Rioux-Turcotte, J., & Tomas, F. (2016, November). La spontanéité du discours, un facteur déterminant la crédibilité des témoins [The spontaneity of discourse, a determining factor of witnesses credibility]. Presentation at the Colloque VocUM 2016, Montreal, Canada.
  • Delmas, H., Elissalde, B., Denault, V., Rochat, N., Demarchi, S., Tijus, C., & Urdapilleta, I. (2015, October). Une nouvelle croyance sur le mensonge: la théorie des « faux non » en synergologie [A new belief on lie: The “false no” theory in synergology]. Presentation at the Colloque Cognition, Langage, Interaction 2015, Paris, France.
  • Denault, V. (2015, November). Le « langage » non verbal des témoins, quand les pseudosciences s’invitent au tribunal [The “body language” of witnesses, when pseudosciences are invited in the courtroom]. Presentation at the Colloque VocUM 2015, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2015, May). L’évaluation de la crédibilité des témoins: Justice est-elle rendue? [The credibility assessment of witnesses: Is justice served?]. Presentation at the Colloque annuel des étudiants aux cycles supérieurs en droit 2015, Montreal, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2015, March). Le polygraphe, outil de coercition moderne? [The polygraph, a modern coercive tool?]. Presentation at the Colloque multidisciplinaire des cycles supérieurs de l’AGE UQTR 2015, Trois-Rivières, Canada.
  • Denault, V. (2015, January). Analyse d’une interaction à la Commission Charbonneau [Analysis of an interaction at the Charbonneau Commission]. Presentation at the Journée d’étude en linguistique légale. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, Canada.